EGIM App Aims to Boost Port of Hamburg Road Logistics
7th May 2019

Eurogate Intermodal (EGIM) has attempted to boost traffic logistics within the congested port of Hamburg with the launch of an updated version of its TRoad application. The app, which was first launched in March 2015, simplifies route planning for local transport in and around the port. The Hamburg-based international service provider for intermodal container transport via road and rail says it takes into account current market requirements, especially with regard to the slot booking system. The app communicates directly with the driver’s smartphone via push messages and assigns trips to them.
Before TRoad was launched for the first time, drivers had to rely on port radio and were sometimes forced to make empty trips in order to pick up the papers for their next assignment at the dispatching office. With the new TRoad, an automated algorithm now calculates the most efficient transport solution for each order.
This is done on the basis of past journeys and the current traffic situation, so that the most suitable driver is selected from all affiliated companies with regard to time, location and organisational aspects (e.g. hazardous goods transport, driver qualifications). Availability and necessary chassis changes are also taken into account. Thus, EGIM can make optimum use of the slot booking system at the Port of Hamburg and at the same time contributes to increasing its efficiency.